Chatham Community Players' Fantasy Theater presents the play, “The Christmas Bus” by Robert Inman on December 11, 12, 18 and 19 at 7pm and December 12, 13, 19 and 20 at 3 pm at the Chatham Playhouse 23 North Passaic Ave., Chatham. Tickets are $15 for Adults (18 and older) and $10 for Youth (17 and under). Lynn Polan from Chatham directs this fun-filled holiday play appropriate for children of all ages!
It's Christmas Eve, and Mrs. Frump, the bumbling but dedicated director of the Peaceful Valley Orphanage, has a Christmas surprise for her orphans: she wants her kids to experience the holiday with a real family – and no one will stop her! Not the law-abiding Sheriff Snodgrass, not the gossipy busybodies of the Board of Trustees, not even a broken down old school bus that’s seen better days. Add a hitchhiking troubadour with a few dreams of his own to the boisterous orphans on the bus and you have a rollicking and touching holiday adventure for the whole family.